Hnw Architects Acklam Road 19X6
Hnw Architects Acklam Road Square

Building new homes adjacent to an elevated dual carriageway

Acklam Road

Acklam Road
A significant housing project for the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea (RBKC) as part of their New Homes Programme. The project provides 32 new homes, including 20 social rent homes alongside market rent homes and community facilities at ground floor. The eight-storey building sits adjacent to the elevated Westway A40 dual carriageway and achieves exacting fire and other technical requirements, as well as creating desirable homes where people will choose to live.
Hnw Architects Acklam Site Plan
Given the backdrop of the Grenfell tragedy, our delivery role on this project has necessitated extensive collaboration with key stakeholders, including RBKC and NHBC, as well the separate Planning, Fire and Building Control departments. Particular attention has been required around thermal, acoustic and fire performance, sourcing and communicating compliance with exacting requirements of the technical design were paramount to enable effective delivery on site.
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In order to provide a usable and appealing amenity space for residents within the confines of the constrained site, the new building imaginatively incorporates a third-floor podium garden. The elevated garden space includes seating, soft landscaping, and incidental play elements catering for younger children.
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Located adjacent to the Westway, the elevated A40 dual carriageway into West London, which stands some 8 metres above ground, presented a unique set of challenges that were successfully navigated during the project’s development.