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Hnw Architects Winchester Leisure Centre Winchester External 5 Square

One team, many services, beautiful solutions

What we do
Our specialist skilled team are trusted by our clients - from inception to completion and handover - to deliver moments of wonder and practical solutions with a sustainable focus.
Our talented team specialise in thoughtful design that blends creativity with a practical understanding of our clients’ needs. We collaborate across disciplines to consistently deliver inventive, inspiring and considered architecture.
Hnw Architects Green School External Gold Cladding
Reel Sq Poster Frame
We imagine new neighbourhoods, revitalise town centres and expand urban fringes. Our masterplanners are committed to sustainable placemaking encompassing local environmental, social, cultural and economic context. A well-defined masterplan is a catalyst for transformative change and we’re dedicated to shaping thriving communities.
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Hnw Architects Lilliputs Park Density Diagram
Sustainable design
Sustainable design is the cornerstone of our commitment to address the climate and biodiversity emergency. Our ambitious and knowledgeable in-house sustainability experts and Passivhaus designers follow a ‘fabric first’ philosophy, creating spaces that meet our clients’ ambitions to be environmentally responsible, energy efficient and socially conscious.
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Hnw Architects Services Sustainable Design Square
Urban design
The design of our towns and cities plays a pivotal role in how we live, work, learn, connect and play. Our urban designers collaborate with our architects, sustainable designers and masterplanners to shape the spaces and activities between buildings; synchronising architecture, nature and communities.
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Hnw Architects Services Urban Design Square
Interior design and fit out
Our interior designers craft functional, harmonious and captivating spaces that express the personality of our clients, and create quality environments, appropriate for the people who use their buildings. Our comprehensive expertise includes strategic space analysis, biophilic design, colour psychology, promoting wellbeing, planning, wayfinding and FF&E selection.
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Hnw Architects Services Interior Square
Passivhaus design
Our certified Passivhaus designers ensure that our clients’ buildings meet the demanding Passivhaus standards, with a rigorous focus on insulation, airtightness, ventilation, and energy optimisation. We deliver environmentally responsible, energy efficient and exceptionally comfortable buildings.
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Hnw Architects Services Passivhaus Square
BIM and digital design
Building Information Modelling (BIM) and digital design streamline collaboration and the construction process, enabling us to deliver greater accuracy, reduced waste and improved sustainability. We are well-versed in the latest tools and technologies, aligned to industry standards BIM Stage 2 and BS EN ISO 19650.
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Hnw Architects Services Bim 2 Square
Conservation and reuse
The conservation, and adaptive reuse and repurposing of existing buildings is integral to celebrating our past, while looking towards a sustainable future. Our specialist RIBA-accredited conservation architects carefully breathe new life into historic buildings, retaining their character and sense of place for everyone to enjoy.
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Hnw Architects Services Conservation Square
Project management
As architects we guide our clients from inception to completion and handover, turning their vision into reality. Our strategic planning, detailed management and clear communication skills minimise costs and meet programmes, without compromising quality and integrity.
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Hnw Architects Services Project Management Square